Miguel Calvo Carrera

Physics PhD - MIT, Cambridge

Postgrau als Estats Units, 2020

Miguel completed a BSc in Energy Engineering in the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) in 2018 and a BSC in Physics in the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) in 2021. He has done research assistantships in: experimental fusion energy at the Centre for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research (CIEMAT); materials science in the Materials of Interest for Renewable Energies (MIRE - UAM) and in the condensed matter theory department of the UAM as a Nicolás Cabrera Institute fellow . He is interested in tackling sustainability challenges through physics. Currently, he's working as a PhD Student at MIT in the Physics department.

La beca de Miguel

Postgrau als Estats Units, 2020

Estudis cursats amb la beca

PhD in Physics

Tipus d'estudis


Universitat o centre de destinació

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Ma

Especialitat dels estudis cursats amb la beca

Física de l'estat sòlid

Universitat d'origen

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Especialitat d'origen

Tecnologia energètica

Pròximes Activitats