Pablo A. Cano Molina Niñirola

Junior Leader postdoctoral fellow, Barcelona

Postdoctorat a Espanya, 2023

Pablo was born in Murcia, Spain, in 1991. He studied the Physics Bachelor at the University of Murcia from 2010-2014, graduating as the student with the highest mark in his year. In 2015 he obtained his Master's degree on Theoretical Physics at the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), and after that he did his PhD at the Instituto de Física Teórica UAM/CSIC funded by a "La Caixa-Severo Ochoa" grant. He graduated in 2019 obtaining the Cum Laude distinction and the "Premio extraordinario de doctorado" by the UAM. In 2019 he got a postdoctoral position at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) and one year later he obtained a research grant from the Research Foundation - Flanders to fund his own research project in the period 2020-2023. From October 2023, Pablo is a "La Caixa Junior Leader" Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Barcelona, with a research project titled "Gravity beyond Einstein: theory and observations".   His research lies in the area of fundamental physics, and in particular, it revolves around gravity. Our current understanding of the gravitational interaction is based on Einstein’s theory of General Relativity, which describes gravity as spacetime curvature. Despite the success of Einstein’s theory in describing observed phenomena — including the recent detection of gravitational waves — there are good reasons to argue that this is not the ultimate theory of gravity. Some of these reasons are the problem of obtaining a theory of Quantum Gravity, the mystery of singularities inside black holes, or several puzzles coming from cosmology, such as explaining the beginning of the universe. Thus, this leads to the conclusion that Einstein’s theory must be an approximate description of a more fundamental theory that would answer those questions. Although this fundamental theory is still unknown, one can argue that its effects could be described by modifications or extensions of Einstein’s theory. Pablo’s research precisely focuses on understanding these theories of gravity beyond Einstein's General Relativity. Some of the most relevant scientific contributions of Pablo have been: -The discovery of an extension of GR with remarkable properties, called Einsteinian Cubic Gravity, which has triggered a revolution in our understanding of beyond-Einstein physics. -The description of rotating black holes (which are the astrophysically relevant ones) in theories of gravity beyond Einstein. -The computation of the vibrational frequencies of those black holes, which will allow for a precision test of these theories using gravitational wave observations. Despite being a very young researcher, Pablo has published around 60 papers in the best journals in the area of gravity and fundamental physics which accumulate over 2000 citations. 

La beca de Pablo A.

Postdoctorat a Espanya, 2023

Estudis cursats amb la beca

Gravity beyond Einstein: theory and observations

Tipus d'estudis


Universitat o centre de destinació

ICCUB - Institute of Cosmos Sciences

Especialitat dels estudis cursats amb la beca

Física teòrica i matemàtica

Universitat d'origen

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Especialitat d'origen

Física teòrica i matemàtica

Pròximes Activitats