Responsable del Living Lab de Salut, El Masnou

Postgrau al Regne Unit, 1996

Head of the Living Lab for Health at IrsiCaixa. She aims to contribute to transform the R&I health system to make it more open & inclusive, following a Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), Open Science and system approach. With this aim she offers consultancy, training and facilitation of multistakeholder engagement interfaces where different actors are invited to participate in the R&I process at different phases of the value chain (priority setting, project design, project execution, implementation, evaluation and dissemination).
She has previously worked at the Barcelona Science Park and at the science museums of Barcelona and London, where she worked in different positions with the aim to decrease the gap between research and society. She has participated as PI in EC funded projects related with RRI during the last 13 years (RRI Tools, Fit4Food, EnRRICH, InSPIRES, Nanodialogue, etc.). She also teaches in different undergraduate and post graduate degrees of the University of Barcelona (UB) and the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) and has offered training on RRI to more than 5,000 researchers and innovators. El meu perfil actualitzat el trobareu a Linkedin:  També trobareu més informació sobre el què faig a la web del Living Lab de Salut:

La beca de Rosa

Postgrau al Regne Unit, 1996

Estudis cursats amb la beca

MSc Science Communication

Tipus d'estudis


Universitat o centre de destinació

Imperial College London

Especialitat dels estudis cursats amb la beca

Comunicació social i periodisme

Universitat d'origen

Universitat de Barcelona

Especialitat d'origen

Química general


13 November 2014

Art, ciència i vida

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