Sira Pellicer Faus


Postgrau a Suïssa, 2024

Sira Pellicer was born in Daimús (Valencia) in 2000. She is an interdisciplinary artist who combines her career as musician with the management of artistic projects.
In 2022, she obtained a bachelor’s degree in saxophone performance at the “Conservatori Superior de Música de les Illes Balears” and in 2024, a master's degree in classical-contemporary performance at the “Zürcher Hochschule der Künste”. From 2024, she will study the Executive Master in Arts Administration at the “Universität Zürich,” thanks to the support of the “La Caixa” Foundation. 
From 2007 to 2018, Sira Pellicer was a member of the “Act and Play” Theatre School, working on “Meisner Technique” and “Viewpoints”.
Over the course of her career, she has been awarded the “Hans-Schaeuble Award”, the “Peregrinos Musicales Award” and the first prize in the “Art Jove” competition, among others.
She has also been active as an ensemble performer, collaborating with “European Union Youth Wind Orchestra,” conducted by Jan Cober and “Zürich Saxophone Collective”, conducted by Lars Mlekusch.
In the field of arts management, Sira Pellicer has been organising assistant at the “Zürich SaxFest”, intern at “Schlosskonzerte Thun” and a jury member at the competition “Art Jove”. And since 2019, she has also been a founding member of the Lítore Quartet. This saxophone quartet works actively with current composers and renowned institutions such as the “Fundación Botín”, “Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró” and “Juventudes Musicales de España”.

La beca de Sira

Postgrau a Suïssa, 2024

Estudis cursats amb la beca

Executive Master in Arts Administration

Tipus d'estudis


Universitat o centre de destinació

Universität Zürich UZH

Especialitat dels estudis cursats amb la beca

Gestió cultural

Universitat d'origen

Conservatori Superior de Música de les Illes Balears

Especialitat d'origen

Música, Instruments de vent

Pròximes Activitats