Professor Catedràtic de Química Inorganica i Group Leader, Santa Maria de Palautordera
Postgrau als Estats Units, 1984
Antoni Llobet was born in Sabadell (Barcelona) in 1960. He obtained his PhD at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) with Prof. Francesc Teixidor in July 1985, and then moved to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for a postdoctoral stay (beca La Caixa-1984) with Prof. Thomas J. Meyer, until the end of 1987. After a short period again at UAB and at University of Sussex-Dow Corning (UK) he then become a Scientific Officer for the Commission of the European Communities, based in Brussels, Belgium (1990-1991). Then he was appointed Senior Research Associate at Texas A&M University in College Station (USA) from 1992 till 1993, working with the groups of Prof. Arthur E. Martell and Donald T. Sawyer. From 1993 till 2004 he joined the faculty of the Universitat de Girona where he was promoted to Full Professor in 2000. At the end of 2004 he joined the faculty of UAB also as Full Professor. In September 2006, he was appointed as Group Leader at the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) in Tarragona. His research interests include the development of tailored transition metal complexes as catalysts for selective organic and inorganic transformations including the oxidation of water to molecular dioxygen, supramolecular catalysis, the activation of C-H and C-F bonds, and the preparation low molecular weight complexes as structural and/or functional models of the active sites of oxidative metalloproteins. In 2000 he received the Distinction Award from Generalitat de Catalunya for Young Scientists. In 2011 he was awarded the Bruker Prize in Inorganic Chemistry from the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) and in 2012 he was awarded with the “Hermanos Elhuyar-Hans Goldschmidt” lecture jointly by RSEQ and the German Chemical Society (GDCh). At present he is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of “Catalysis Science and Technology” from the Royal Society of Chemistry, “Inorganic Chemistry” from the American Chemical Society and "European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry" from Wiley-VCH.
La beca de Antoni
Estudis cursats amb la beca
Tipus d'estudis
Universitat o centre de destinació
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC
Especialitat dels estudis cursats amb la beca
Química general
Universitat d'origen
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Especialitat d'origen
Química general
El codi de la teva beca és . L’has de fer constar en totes les publicacions o materials de difusió que realitzis i que tinguin relació amb la recerca finançada per la beca de ”la Caixa”. Concretament, la menció que cal fer és: “El projecte que ha generat aquests resultats ha tingut el suport d’una beca de la Fundació Bancària ”la Caixa” (ID 100010434), el codi de la qual és ”.