Economista en l'Àrea de Prospectiva, Reflexió i Palau Macaya, Barcelona
Postgraduate studies in United Kingdom, 1998
Nace en Barcelona en 1976. Es licenciada en Economía por la Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona (1994). En el curso 1998-99 realiza un máster en Economía en la Université Catholique de Louvain (Bélgica). En noviembre de 2001 visita la International Max Planck Research School for Demography. En agosto de 2003 obtiene el doctorado en Economía por la London School of Economics and Political Science. La tesis se titula "Combining Family and Work in Europe: 1960-2000". De octubre de 2003 a marzo de 2006 es analista en el Departamento de Economía Laboral del Banco de Inglaterra. Entre abril del 2006 y mayo de 2016 trabaja en CaixaBank Research. En junio del 2016 se incorpora en la Fundación "la Caixa" en el Área de Estrategia, Prospectiva y Comunicación Interna. En junio de 2020, se mueve al Observatorio Social de la misma Fundación como responsable de la Social Research Call y de estudios en ciencias sociales por encargo. Domina el inglés y el francés, y tiene conocimientos de holandés.
Maria's fellowship
Studies pursued with the fellowship
Type of studies
Postgraduate studies
Host university or research centre
London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London
Speciality of studies pursued with the fellowship
General economics
Home university
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Home speciality
General economics
Your fellowship code is . You have to include it in all the publications or dissemination materials you create which are related to the research funded by the ”la Caixa” fellowship. Particularly, this mention should read as follows: “The project that gave rise to these results received the support of a fellowship from ”la Caixa” Foundation (ID 100010434). The fellowship code is ”.
Next Activities
Identifying my own leadership style
The goal of the session is to develop your own self-awareness to feel more empowered and secure as a leader. You will also define what leadership means to you and connect with the leader already within you. Through the "Situational Leadership Model" you will learn about your natural leadership tendencies, and how to adjust your leadership style to fit each team member's needs.