Francisco José MOLERES ECHEVERRÍA Regulatory affairs, Laboratorios Cinfa, S.A., Pamplona Spain, 2007 Life sciences
José MARTÍNEZ CASAS Profesor en la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, València Spain, 2007 Engineering and technology
Libertad JUEZ CARRETÓN Ingeniero de Montes en Sorbus Medio Ambiente, Burgos Spain, 2007 Earth and space sciences
Pau EROLA CAÑELLAS Research fellow, Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh, Calafell Spain, 2007 Engineering and technology
Ana RODRÍGUEZ SECO Coordinadora de adaptación al cambio climático. Humana People to Peoplediversidad, Madrid Canada, 2007 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Ana Elia RAMÓN HIDALGO Management and Facilitation Consultant, Phd Candidate, Barcelona Canada, 2007 Earth and space sciences
Juan José BEUNZA NUIN Director IASalud, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Madrid United States, 2007 Medical and health sciences