Isabel VARELA MONTERO Profesora Asociada en Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio, Madrid Spain, 2006 Social sciences: behavioural and education sciences
Álvaro COLLET ROMEA Research Scientist, Facebook, Barcelona United States, 2006 Engineering and technology
Elena MAGAÑA DEL CASTILLO Referente de formación interna DIBA. Dirección de servicios de formación., Barcelona Spain, 2006 Social sciences: behavioural and education sciences
Mario LANZA MARTÍNEZ King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Esplugues de Llobregat Germany, 2007 Engineering and technology
María de la Cruz GÓMEZ PELLÍN Medical University of Vienna, Novelda Germany, 2007 Medical and health sciences
Antoni CASAS MOLINA Data analyst - Vistaprint, Hospitalet de Llobregat China, 2006 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
M. Teresa VIDA SÁNCHEZ Profesora en la Universidad de Málaga, Priego de Córdoba Germany, 2007 Humanities: art and history