Raquel del POZO GUTIÉRREZ Leioa Spain, 2009 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Daniel MONEDERO TÓRTOLA Senior Software Engineer at F5 Networks, València United States, 2009 Engineering and technology
Higinia TORREGROSA MORALES Exploration Geoscientist, Houston United Kingdom, 2009 Engineering and technology
Sergio ALONSO DEL CAMPO Profesor de Arquitectura en la Universidad Europea, Valencia Spain, 2010 Engineering and technology
Nerea ALAMANCOS LAMAS Gerente en Martinesa Alimentación, Vigo Spain, 2010 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Montserrat DELGADO SOTO Key Account Manager, Automotive Division at Altran España, Shanghai China, 2009 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Daniel GÓMEZ DÍAZ-PINÉS Jerez de la Frontera India, 2009 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Marcos ZOTES LÓPEZ Director Asociado / BASALT Architects United States, 2009 Humanities: art and history