Ana Isabel BUITRAGO MONTORO Director del Departamento Jurídico de Amazon España, Madrid United States, 1994 Social sciences: legal sciences
Jordi BOVER SANJUÁN Adjunto en el Hospital Sant Pau (Fundació Puigvert), Barcelona United States, 1990 Medical and health sciences
Carles CANIVELL CRETCHLEY Managing Partner, Alfa Beta Consultants, Barcelona United States, 1985 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Andrés CALZADO CATALÁ Managing Director en Nomura, London United States, 1999 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Joan Albert CAMPRODON GIMÉNEZ Director, Division of Neuropsychiatry, Mass General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Cambridge United States, 2002 Medical and health sciences
Albert CARCELLER GUILLAMET Direcció Serveis Jurídics Diputació Barcelona, Barcelona United States, 2002 Earth and space sciences