Raquel GARCÍA PÉREZ PHD Student en IBE(Institut de Biologia Evolutiva), Petrer Spain, 2011 Medical and health sciences
Pablo GÓMEZ MUÑOZ Profesor de Filología Inglesa en la Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza Spain, 2012 Humanities: philology and linguistics
Marta SÁNCHEZ DIONIS Project Officer at International Organization for Migration (IOM), Berlin Spain, 2012 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Lidia PONCE DE LEÓN PÉREZ Senior Director The Coca-cola Company, Madrid Spain, 2011 Humanities: art and history
Ana JIMÉNEZ MOYA Business & technical consultant en Avaloq, Madrid Spain, 2012 Engineering and technology
Aida ROIGÉ MAS Professora subtituta, Universitat de Barcelona, Reus Canada, 2011 Humanities: philosophy and religion
Manuel José PASTOR DE ELIZALDE Especialista en Infraestructura | Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, Madrid United States, 2012 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Maria Carmen MIR MARESMA Hospital del Mar, Pineda de Mar United States, 2011 Medical and health sciences
Javier FUENTES MARTÍN Investigador Juan de la Cierva en la Universidad de Granada, Granada Spain, 2012 Physical sciences