Pilar MARTÍN GARCÍA Communications Manager Knauf, Madrid France, 2006 Social sciences: behavioural and education sciences
Aida FARRENY SERÓ Researcher enUnit for Social and Community Psychiatry. Queen Mary University, L'Albagés Spain, 2006 Social sciences: behavioural and education sciences
Guillem USANDIZAGA CARULLA Traductor literario autónomo, Barcelona France, 2006 Humanities: philology and linguistics
Anna ALÀS JOVÉ Cantant professional (mezzosoprano), Terrassa Germany, 2007 Humanities: art and history
Nadia HOTAIT SALAS Head of Development, Lola films, Madrid United States, 2006 Humanities: art and history
Ingrid HENMARK AGUIRRE Principal at Kids & Us School of English, Madrid United States, 2006 Humanities: art and history