
5788 fellows found

5788 fellows found


MBA student, at Stanford University, Barcelona

United States, 2014

Social sciences: economic and business sciences

Estudiante Doctorado de Ciencias de Pesquería en Universidad James Cook University (Australia)

Australia, 2014

Earth and space sciences

Estudiante de doctorado en Genómica Funcional en el Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares, Sevilla

Spain, 2015

Life sciences

Assistant Professor (Profesor Ayudante Doctor) at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid

Spain, 2015

Mathematical sciences

Computational Mechanics Postdoc, at CIMNE (UPC), Cardona

Spain, 2015

Engineering and technology

R&D Scientist in AMRI (Albanian Molecular Research Institute), Palencia

Spain, 2015

Chemical sciences

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