Cristina MARTÍN HIGUERAS Investigadora en Orsan biotech, La Laguna Spain, 2011 Medical and health sciences
Susana FORERO SÁNCHEZ Head of Projects Department en Empresa Constructora, Barcelona Spain, 2011 Engineering and technology
Ernesto CRIADO HIDALGO James Boswell Postdoctoral Scholar en Caltech, Pasadena United States, 2012 Engineering and technology
José Francisco PÉREZ CALVO Research assistant at ETH Zurich, Zuric Netherlands, 2012 Engineering and technology
Manuel Alejandro MOLEDO DEL RÍO European Disability Forum - New Technologies and Innovation Officer, València Spain, 2011 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Sandra MUÑOZ BRACERAS Doctorado Biomedicina Molecular, Burgos Spain, 2011 Medical and health sciences
Ángel POYATO AYUSO Senior Manager - Supply Chain Systems, Linares India, 2012 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Iván MENÉNDEZ MONTES Estudiante de doctorado en el Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares, Gijón Spain, 2011 Chemical sciences