Laura Gonzalez Salmeron Investment Analyst & DPhil in Comparative Literature, Oxford United Kingdom, 2018 Humanities: philology and linguistics
Gabriel Vivas Martínez Doctoral Researcher at King's College London, London United Kingdom, 2018 Humanities: art and history
Augusto Escalante Rodriguez Junior Leader Postdoctoral Researcher at Instituto de Neurociencias, Alicante Spain, 2018 Life sciences
Jared Aurentz Junior Leader Postdoctoral Researcher at ICMAT, Tres Cantos Spain, 2018 Mathematical sciences
María Delgado Pérez Estudiante de máster en HEC Paris, Paris France, 2018 Humanities: art and history
Natalia Carolina Albizu Ontaneda Estudiante de doctorado en la Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin Germany, 2018 Humanities: philosophy and religion
Angela Inmaculada Hoyos Iborra Advisor, External relations and policy at the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining, Ginebra Switzerland, 2018 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Pere Taulé Flores Operations Development Program Trainee y Project Leader en Geberit AG, Barcelona Switzerland, 2018 Engineering and technology