
5804 fellows found

5804 fellows found


Project Manager Marketing & Events ILA BERLIN / MESSE BERLIN, Berlin

Germany, 2004

Humanities: art and history

Primer tinent d'alcalde i regidor d'Urbanisme, Habitatge i Medi ambient (Argentona), Premià de Mar

France, 2000

Engineering and technology

Profesor en la Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca

United States, 1998

Social sciences: economic and business sciences

San Román de los Montes

United Kingdom, 1991

Social sciences: behavioural and education sciences

Professora, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Sant Cugat del Vallès

United States, 1983

Social sciences: behavioural and education sciences

Coordinadora científica de la Cátedra Google sobre privacidad, sociedad e innovación y Coordinadora del Máster en protección de datos Universidad CEU San Pablo de Madrid, Madrid

Canada, 2000

Social sciences: legal sciences

EU Projects Engineer - Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Pau

Germany, 2004

Engineering and technology

Associate Professor at the University of Maryland, Valladolid

United States, 2000

Engineering and technology

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