Josué LÓPEZ HERMOSO Ingeniero mecánico en Visiometric, Barcelona Germany, 2005 Engineering and technology
María José VIÑAS GARCÍA Science writer at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (contractor via Telophase) United States, 2005 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Paulo VILAR SAAVEDRA Assistant Professor - Oncology Section Head.College of Veterinary Medicine.Michigan State University, Lugo United States, 2005 Agricultural and forest Sciences
Laura CAMPRUBÍ TREPAT Socia Fundadora de la Cooperativa el Risell, Barcelona Spain, 2005 Humanities: art and history
Edgar GARCÍA MANZANILLA Researcher at Teagasc, Fermoy United States, 2005 Agricultural and forest Sciences
Alejandro Vincent PAREDES PÉNADÈS Abogado en la Corte Penal Internacional, Palma de Mallorca United States, 2005 Social sciences: legal sciences
Crístian ORÓ MARTÍNEZ Tribunal de Justícia de la Unió Europea United States, 2005 Social sciences: legal sciences
Eduardo MORALES CASADO Profesor Asistente, Universidad de Princeton, Madrid United States, 2005 Social sciences: economic and business sciences