Francisco SÁNCHEZ VEGA Assistant Attending Computational Oncologist, New York United States, 2005 Mathematical sciences
Alberto RODRÍGUEZ GARCÍA Associate Professor, MIT, Cambridge United States, 2005 Engineering and technology
Ignacio CARAZO ORTEGA Profesor FP Sanidad, Arenas de San Pedro Spain, 2005 Agricultural and forest Sciences
Inmaculada ROJAS RABANEDA Directora y logopeda del Centro de logopedia PARLA, Girona Spain, 2005 Medical and health sciences
Carolina NIEVES GINEZ Asesora Inmobiliaria RE/MAX, Donostia - San Sebastian Spain, 2005 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Ana Maria GÓMEZ SÁEZ Psicóloga EEIIA en Mancomunitat Ribera Alta, Alginet Spain, 2005 Social sciences: behavioural and education sciences
Eliane MACHADO E SILVA Consejera en MAV Spain, 2005 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
María Olatz IRULEGUI GARMENDIA Profesora Adjunta en la Universidad del País Vasco Spain, 2005 Humanities: art and history