Rubén GARCÍA GARCÍA Fixed Income and Currency Sales at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Premià de Dalt United States, 2008 Engineering and technology
Amaia ALBIZUA AGUINACO Investigadora postdoctoral en McGill University y BC3, Amurrio Spain, 2008 Earth and space sciences
Gemma BURÓN MOLES Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellow at Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA), Tolosa Spain, 2008 Engineering and technology
Raquel CISNEROS CRISTÓBAL Talent & Development, Zaragoza Spain, 2008 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
José Manuel CORTÉS COTANO Canal Extremadura TV, Bienvenida Spain, 2008 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Patricia LUCAS ALONSO Profesora de Lengua Castellana y Literatura, Madrid Spain, 2008 Humanities: philology and linguistics
Inmaculada MARTÍNEZ REYES Scientist at the MDC Berlin, Berlin Spain, 2008 Medical and health sciences