Gema ÁLAVA CRISÓSTOMO Multidisciplinary Artist/ Cultural Adviser at The World Council of Peoples for the United Nations, New York United States, 1996 Humanities: art and history
Asunción AGUILAR PÉREZ Sustainability / ESG Consultant & Trainer, Nice United States, 1996 Engineering and technology
Rafael ALDANA LASO Application Manager at Sentieon Inc., San Francisco United States, 2000 Engineering and technology
Lydia ALDAZ CARROLL Profesora titular en la Universidad París V Descartes, Paris France, 1999 Life sciences
Inmaculada ADARVES YORNO Senior Lecturer in Leadership, Exeter United Kingdom, 1999 Social sciences: behavioural and education sciences
M. Elena ESCALZA CORTINA Profesora Musikene en Centro Superior de Música del País Vasco, Bilbao Germany, 1998 Humanities: art and history
Iván FERNÁNDEZ LOBO Director General en Damelab, Mieres United States, 1998 Engineering and technology