
5807 Fellows

5807 Fellows


International Business Leader, Roche Molecular Systems, San Jose

United States, 2009

Social sciences: economic and business sciences


Spain, 2009

Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines

Product Engineer at HP, Tortosa

United States, 2009

Engineering and technology

Director Asociado / BASALT Architects

United States, 2009

Humanities: art and history

Médico especialista en medicina interna; residente hematología, oncología y enfermedades infecciosas, Berlin

Germany, 2010

Medical and health sciences

Profesor de Arquitectura en la Universidad Europea, Valencia

Spain, 2010

Engineering and technology

Gerente en Martinesa Alimentación, Vigo

Spain, 2010

Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines

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