José Fernando HUERTAS PÉREZ Expert Analytical Chemist | Project Manager & Scientist | Coach, Gurugram Spain, 2005 Chemical sciences
María Alejandra VELA PARDOS Profesora Informática / DGA, Zaragoza Spain, 2005 Engineering and technology
Anna MARTÍNEZ ESCALA Professora de Cant Tecnica Vocal i Cantant Liric, Gavà Germany, 2006 Humanities: art and history
Anna BARBERÀ ARESTÉ Head of Communications & Research (Ethics) en Susan Liataud & Associates Limited, Lerida France, 2006 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Clara XIFRA QUINTANA Anglès France, 2005 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
María Pilar CASTILLO BERNAL Profesora Titular de la Universidad de Córdoba, Córdoba Germany, 2006 Humanities: philology and linguistics
Pablo de PASCUAL PANIAGUA Madrid France, 2006 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines