Santiago FERNÁNDEZ-RENAU PALLARÉS LATAM and Iberia General Manager (WAVE Solution) at McKinsey and Company, Madrid China, 2010 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Javier JIMÉNEZ CHICO Country Program Manager at Wipro, Madrid China, 2010 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Josep GRAU BOVÉ Lecturer en University College London, La Masó United Kingdom, 2011 Engineering and technology
Daniel ROMANO GARCÍA Responsable de Proyectos en Airbus, Madrid China, 2010 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Amaia CARRIÓN CASTILLO Investigadora postdoctoral, Donostia - San Sebastian France, 2011 Life sciences
Rocío CORRALES RAYÓN Madrid United Kingdom, 2011 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Lucía PÉREZ VILLAR Research Assistant at Kiel Institute for the World Economy Germany, 2011 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Ana Angulo Urarte Postdoc at Endothelial Pathobiology and Microenvironment lab, Barcelona Spain, 2011 Medical and health sciences Spain, 2024 Life sciences