Glòria CALSINA GOMIS Periodoncista/Clinica Periodontal, Barcelona United States, 1988 Medical and health sciences
Andrés CALVO KALCH Director Clínica PERSUM, Oviedo Germany, 1998 Social sciences: behavioural and education sciences
Marta CAMPS ARBESTAIN Co-director New Zealad Biochar Research Centre, Massey University United States, 1989 Engineering and technology
Juan Andrés AGUILAR RODRÍGUEZ Profesor Español y Alemán para extranjeros en Academia One to One, Collado Villalba Germany, 2010 Humanities: philology and linguistics
Lucía CHICOTE ESCRICH Vocal Asesora en Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación, Madrid United Kingdom, 2000 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Ramon CASADESÚS MASANELL Professor of Business Administration en Harvard Business School United States, 1993 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Joan-Carles CASAS SANCHÍS Director de Ingeniería de procesos de SEAT, Sant Cugat del Vallès United States, 1985 Engineering and technology
Albert CASTELLA VILLERGAS Director Comercial en Vertiv, Madrid United States, 1985 Engineering and technology