Vicente ROMERO DE ÁVILA SERRANO Transportation Planner, San Francisco United States, 2011 Humanities: art and history
Jaime GONZÁLEZ FERNÁNDEZ MBA Candidate at Harvard Business School, León France, 2012 Engineering and technology
Javier SOLANA ÁLVAREZ Profesor de Derecho Mercantil, León United States, 2011 Social sciences: legal sciences
Javier ÁLVAREZ-LINERA DEL RÍO Project Coordinator en deZem GmbH, Berlin United States, 2011 Engineering and technology
Alvaro GUEVARA MURUA Teacher Assistant en University of Bristol, Vitoria-Gasteiz United Kingdom, 2012 Earth and space sciences
Aitor IRIGOYEN HERNÁNDEZ Técnico de Operación de Energía Renovable en Acciona Energía, Pamplona Spain, 2012 Engineering and technology
María del Pilar MOLINA LÓPEZ Software Engineer at Google, New York United States, 2011 Engineering and technology
Clara ROQUET AUTONELL Freelance writer and director, Madrid United States, 2011 Humanities: art and history
Julia MOSQUERA RAMIL Researcher, Institute for Futures Studies (Stockholm), Vilalba Spain, 2012 Humanities: philosophy and religion