Luis SUÁREZ MANSILLA Suárez Santas Arquitectos, Bilbao United States, 2001 Humanities: art and history
Joan Carles SURÍS GRANELL Professor de salut dels adolescents / Cap de pediatria ambulatoria,Servei de pediatria, CHUV United States, 1989 Medical and health sciences
Mauricio SUÁREZ ALLER Catedrático de Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia, Madrid United Kingdom, 1992 Humanities: philosophy and religion
Juan SOLÉ LÓPEZ-PINTO Fondo Monetario Internacional, London United States, 1996 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Pablo VEGA TORRES Director General, CrossDNA, Madrid Canada, 2000 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Ignacio de URIARTE Y DE TUERO Associate Professor of Mathematics, Toronto United States, 1996 Mathematical sciences
Begoña VÁZQUEZ SANTOS Director, International Memberships at The Nature Conservancy United States, 1997 Social sciences: economic and business sciences