Susana Sellés Valls Masters student in Hydraulic Engineering at TU Delft, Barcelona Netherlands, 2017 Engineering and technology
Marta Bertran Perez-Hickman EPIET Fellow, RIVM and ECDC, Utrecht United Kingdom, 2017 Medical and health sciences
Gala Lucía Ramón Zamorano Estudiante de doctorado en la Universidad de Hertfordshire, Torremolinos United Kingdom, 2017 Life sciences
Aleksandra Sparavier PhD fellow at Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Gloskow Spain, 2017 Life sciences
Jaime Mendizábal Roche Estudiante de Matemáticas en la Universidad de Cambridge, Madrid United Kingdom, 2017 Mathematical sciences
Rafael Luque Ramirez PhD student at Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Priego de Córdoba Spain, 2017 Earth and space sciences
Michael Seitz PhD Candidate in Condensed Matter Physics at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Meilen Spain, 2017 Physical sciences