Sara Estevez Cores PhD candidate at UCL, Vilaboa United Kingdom, 2019 Social sciences: behavioural and education sciences
Cristina Cubells Pérez PhD Student - Music, theatre and performing arts, Barcelona Spain, 2019 Humanities: art and history
Carmen Tur Gomez Miguel Servet Fellow and Neurologist, MS Centre of Catalonia, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona Spain, 2020 Medical and health sciences
Daniel Gonzalez Carter 'La Caixa' Junior Leader Research Fellow, Yokohama Spain, 2020 Medical and health sciences
HELENA GARCIA ESCUDERO Estudiante doctorado en Física (especialidad en Astrofísica), Universidad de California Irvine (UCI), Valladolid United States, 2019 Physical sciences
Pablo Gago Ferrero Associated Professor at IDAEA-CSIC / Ass. Editor at Environmental Science & Technology, Castelldefels Spain, 2020 Chemical sciences