Iñaki BERENGUER MEDIAVILLA Managing Partner, Life Extension Ventures, NY, New York United Kingdom, 2000 Engineering and technology
Ernesto BAREA HERNÁNDEZ Jefe de Producción (Farmacia Hospitalaria de la Clínica Wels-Grieskirchen, Austria), Wels Germany, 2003 Medical and health sciences
Carlos BROTONS CUIXART Director Unitat de Recerca, EAP Sardenya, Barcelona United States, 1984 Medical and health sciences
Albert BRAVO BIOSCA Director, Innovation Growth Lab, Nesta, Alella United Kingdom, 1999 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Glòria BORRÀS BONEU Medicina Integrativa y Ginecologia a Clinica Corachan, Barcelona United States, 1987 Medical and health sciences
Nabí CABESTANY PALAU Principal Cello at the Orchestre de Chambre de Toulouse United States, 1998 Humanities: art and history
Natàlia CALDÉS GÓMEZ Investigadora Senior en Ciemat, Madrid United States, 1997 Social sciences: economic and business sciences