Elena LARRAURI PIJOAN Catedràtica Dret Penal i Criminologia. UPF, Barcelona United States, 1985 Social sciences: legal sciences
Marc LÓPEZ MARTÍNEZ CEO & Co-founder at Lupafy | Generating real estate opportunities, Barcelona United States, 2003 Earth and space sciences
Alejandro LOZANO ARTOLACHIPI Pozuelo de Alarcón France, 1994 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
José Manuel LÓPEZ GARCÍA-SILVA Founder Partner a Sievert partners LLC, San Sebastián de los Reyes United States, 1994 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Óscar de LUCIO FERNÁNDEZ New York United States, 1999 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Susana LÓPEZ GONZÁLEZ Jefe de Registro y Exposiciones, Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, Barcelona United Kingdom, 1990 Humanities: art and history
Cristian-Óliver LUCAS MAS Consultor en el Banco Mundial, Barcelona United States, 2000 Social sciences: legal sciences