David Teruel Cano Estudiante de máster en la Technische Universiteit Delft, Barcelona Netherlands, 2018 Earth and space sciences
Walter Riquelme Chamblas PhD candidate at IFT - Institute for Theoretical Physics, Madrid, Madrid Spain, 2018 Physical sciences
Raúl González Molina Estudiante de máster en la University of Cambridge, Cambridge United Kingdom, 2018 Mathematical sciences
Juan Luis Gamella Martín Estudiante de Doctorado en la ETH Zürich, Zuric Switzerland, 2018 Engineering and technology
Jacobo Ramos Folch Policy Manager, Business at OECD, Paris United States, 2018 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Anaïs Querol Cruz Estudiante Doctorado IMDEA Software, Pozuelo de Alarcón Spain, 2018 Engineering and technology