Damián Roca Marí Founder and Architect at Tocat Labs, Palma de Mallorca Doctorate Severo Ochoa, 2013 Engineering and technology
Enric Ros Simó Investigador - Química Médica Doctorate Severo Ochoa, 2016 Medical and health sciences
Rubén Torres Sánchez Investigador postdoctoral en el Centro Nacional de Biotecnología, Madrid Doctorate Severo Ochoa, 2015 Life sciences
Alberto Marín González Doctorando en el CNB-CSIC, Alegría-Dulantzi Doctorate Severo Ochoa, 2015 Life sciences
Lucía Robado de Lope Estudiante de doctorado en el CNIO, Alegría-Dulantzi Doctorate Severo Ochoa, 2015 Life sciences
Veronika Ma´ncíková Postdoctoral researcher at CEITEC, Noja Doctorate Biomedicine, 2011 Life sciences
ANA FEU BASILIO Estudiante, Paris France, 2017 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
María Sánchez López Funcionaria en prácticas en el Cuerpo Superior de Administradores Civiles del Estado (CSACE), Madrid United Kingdom, 2017 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Antonio Ballell Mayoral Estudiante de doctorado en Palaeobiology en University of Bristol, Bristol United Kingdom, 2017 Life sciences