Emma FERGUSON VÁZQUEZ DE PARGA Autónoma en Proyectos de Arte, Madrid United States, 1998 Humanities: art and history
Daniel FLORES GURI Economist, Managing Director, Quadrant Economics, Washington United States, 1994 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Alfonso FREIRE CORREA Director en Freire. Servicios editoriales. SL, Vigo Germany, 1984 Humanities: philosophy and religion
Enrique FRADERA TORREDEMER Autónomo, Barcelona United States, 1992 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Juan Carlos FERNÁNDEZ GÓMEZ Comisión Europea, Madrid United Kingdom, 2003 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Víctor FERRERES COMELLA Catedrático de Derecho en la Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona United States, 1990 Social sciences: legal sciences
Ariadna FONT LLITJÓS Executive Assistant to Mike Rhodin, SVP IBM Watson at IBM, New York United States, 1998 Humanities: philology and linguistics
Susana GALÁN JULVE PhD Candidate, Department of Women's & Gender Studies, Rutgers University, Barcelona Germany, 2002 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines