Alfonso Gil Lopez-Areal Investigador en la Universidad de Zúrich, Zuric Switzerland, 2018 Medical and health sciences
Anna Closas Casasampera Estudiante de Doctorado en UC Berkeley, California, Berkeley United Kingdom, 2018 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Eduard Porta Pardo Junior Group Leader - Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (IJC - BSC), Sant Cugat del Vallès Spain, 2018 Life sciences
Renée Beekman Group leader CRG (from January 2020), Barcelona Spain, 2018 Medical and health sciences
Isabel Alonso Serrano Estudiante de máster en el Royal College of Art, London United Kingdom, 2018 Humanities: art and history
Juan Antonio Valverde López Investigador en el CNIC, Almería Doctorate Severo Ochoa, 2015 Life sciences
Luis Cásedas Alcaide Doctorando, Granada Spain, 2018 Social sciences: behavioural and education sciences
Ignasi Granero Moya PhD Student at IBEC (Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya), Rubí Spain, 2018 Life sciences