Javier LÓPEZ SANZ Profesor de violín y viola en la Musikschule Region Gürbetal, Guadalajara Germany, 2005 Humanities: art and history
Rosa María MORENO MORENO Profesora de la Escuela de Idiomas Internationel Escolorna, Barcelona Germany, 2005 Earth and space sciences
Loinaz ERREZOLA GÓMEZ Socia Fundadora - Directora de Marketing y Estrategia en BRANDED, Donostia - San Sebastian United States, 2005 Social sciences: behavioural and education sciences
Laura RUIZ DE ELVIRA CARRASCAL Postdoctoral Research CNRS, Majadahonda France, 2005 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Raül BENAVIDES I OLLER Professor Conservatori de Barcelona, Cardedeu United States, 2005 Humanities: art and history
Daniel CUADROS JIMÉNEZ Assistant Professor, US Defense Language Institute, Gójar United States, 2005 Humanities: art and history
Juan Carlos NAVARRO BARRIOS Facultativo en Psiquiatría en el Servicio Andaluz de la Salud, Granada France, 2005 Medical and health sciences