Iván MATEO BORGE Socio DAUSS Abogados, SLP y Profesor de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Hospitalet de Llobregat Germany, 1999 Social sciences: legal sciences
Ana M. MEDINA REGUERA Profesora en la Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla Germany, 2000 Humanities: philology and linguistics
Josep MESSA BEL Presidente en Sabia Energía y Mantenimiento, Barcelona United States, 1984 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Francisco MERCHÁN IGNACIO Profesor Titular Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla France, 2000 Medical and health sciences
Olaia NAVEIRAS TORRES-QUIROGA SNSF Professor, EPFL, Lausanne United States, 2001 Medical and health sciences
Sergio MIRALLES MIRAVET Socio de Intangibles Legal S.L.P., Barcelona United Kingdom, 1993 Social sciences: legal sciences
Carme MIRÓ CLOUTIER Founding Partner apple tree communications, Barcelona United States, 1993 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Manuel MONTOBBIO DE BALANZÓ Ambaixador Representant Permanent d'Espanya al Consell d'Europa (Estrasburg) Belgium, 1984 Social sciences: legal sciences
Martina MILLÀ BERNAD Responsable de Programación y Proyectos en Fundación Miró, Barcelona United States, 1989 Humanities: art and history
Ramón Carlos MUÑOZ RASKIN Senior Urban Transport Specialist at The World Bank, Toledo United States, 2003 Humanities: art and history
Eduard MONTANYA MIAS Cap Seccio, Hospital Bellvitge, Barcelona United States, 1989 Medical and health sciences