Mireia ARAGAY SASTRE Doctora en la Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona United Kingdom, 1985 Humanities: philology and linguistics
Pau ATELA CORTÉS Professor, Department of Mathematics, Smith College, Barcelona United States, 1984 Mathematical sciences
Pablo BLANCO JUÁREZ Managing Director, Madrid United Kingdom, 2001 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Miguel Ángel de BLAS MARTÍN Global Director, Scientific Communications, London United States, 2003 Chemical sciences
M. Teresa BLASI MARTÍ Comité Internacional de la Creu Roja, Caldes de Montbui Germany, 1999 Social sciences: legal sciences
Estrella BERNAL CUENCA Profesora universitaria e investigadora en Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza Germany, 1997 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Carme BIGATÀ VISCASILLAS Directora Jurídica en Value Retail, El Masnou United Kingdom, 1989 Social sciences: legal sciences
Isabel CANTALLOPS FIOL Partner. European Patent Attorney y US Patent Agent en Valea AB, Stockholm United States, 1991 Social sciences: behavioural and education sciences