Ainhoa IGLESIAS POLO Profesora de Alemán en excedencia del Gobierno Vasco Germany, 2002 Humanities: philology and linguistics
Maria Josep JARQUE MOYANO Profesora a la Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona United States, 1998 Humanities: philology and linguistics
Mònica JORBA CARTOIXÀ Sociocultural Anthropologist, International Affairs en FQF, Sant Cugat del Vallès United States, 2003 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Eduard JOSÉ CUNILLERAS Profesor Agregado en la Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona United States, 1996 Agricultural and forest Sciences
Carolina JARA RONDA Senior Legal & Compliance Manager at Global Supply Chain Finance AG, Madrid Germany, 2001 Social sciences: legal sciences
Jordi IGNÉS MULLOL Professor titular, Universitat de Barcelona, Calafell United States, 1991 Physical sciences
Oroitz JAUREGUI NAZABAL Profesora de Lingüística y Estudios Vascos en la Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao Germany, 2002 Humanities: philology and linguistics
Josep ISERN ALEGRÍ Consejero Independiente, Madrid United States, 1988 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Odile MÉNDEZ-BONITO MAGNIEZ Codiretora del Master profesional Creadoc - Universidad de Poitiers, Poitiers France, 2005 Humanities: art and history