Javier GARCÍA RODRÍGUEZ PhD Candidate at Autonomous University of Madrid, Madrid Germany, 2010 Mathematical sciences
Luis BOBO GARCÍA Associate Information Systems Officer at United Nations, Ginebra Spain, 2010 Engineering and technology
Patricia GONZÁLEZ FERNÁNDEZ Responsable de gestión y producción en Orquesta Barroca de Sevilla, Jabuguillo Spain, 2010 Humanities: art and history
David GARCÍA GIL Consultor Senior de Marketing en Change.org, Zaragoza Spain, 2010 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Javier GARCÍA ARENAS Department of Economics en MIT, Barcelona United States, 2010 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Antonio RODRÍGUEZ DE CASTRO Profesor titular de universidad (ENSAM), Bordeaux France, 2011 Engineering and technology