Miguel Colom Cuesta Profesor en el Conservatorio Superior de Zaragoza, Madrid Germany, 2014 Humanities: art and history
Aran Mayola Huguet Coordinador de Proyecto | UNODC, Mexico City United Kingdom, 2014 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Iliana Cardenes Trujillo Gerente de Innovación en Sistemas Energeticos Inteligentes, Arucas United Kingdom, 2014 Earth and space sciences
Eloi Camprubi Casas University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Edinburg United Kingdom, 2014 Life sciences
Daniel Pérez Álava Agente de Ventas y Distribuidor de películas en Canary Island Connection, Santa Cruz de Tenerife United Kingdom, 2014 Humanities: art and history
Juan Manuel Garcia Arcos Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Geneva, Ginebra France, 2015 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Isabel Gutiérrez Sánchez Doctora por la Barlett School of Architecture, Madrid United Kingdom, 2015 Humanities: art and history
David Expósito Alonso Estudiante de doctorado en el Centro de Neurobiología del Desarrollo de Londres, Alicante United Kingdom, 2015 Life sciences
Ernesto Eduardo Oyarbide Magaña Dphil Researcher in Cultural History and Anglo-Spanish Relations en University of Oxford, Pamplona United Kingdom, 2015 Humanities: art and history