Joana HURTADO MATHEU Curator, professor and writer about art and cinema, Barcelona France, 2004 Humanities: art and history
Jan LÓPEZ LATUSSEK Realizador audiovisual freelance, Vilanova i la Geltrú United States, 1999 Humanities: art and history
Miguel Ángel LUENGO OROZ Founder & CEO Spotlab // Professor UPM // ex- Chief Data Scientist United Nations, Madrid France, 2004 Mathematical sciences
Victoria MANGLANO BOSCH National Manager - Clinical Markets at Ovid Technologies, Madrid United Kingdom, 1992 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
José Luis LÓPEZ Y LÓPEZ DE LIZAGA Profesor Titular de Filosofía - Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza Germany, 2000 Humanities: philosophy and religion
Albert LLORENS MUNTADA Emerging Language Technologies Lead, Barcelona United Kingdom, 1991 Humanities: philology and linguistics
Pablo LÓPEZ DE VIÑASPRE GARCÍA Owner, Wellness & Sport Consulting (G.E.D.O.), Caldes de Montbui United States, 1990 Social sciences: behavioural and education sciences
Daniel LÓPEZ SUÁREZ Senior Partner and Manager Director en Boston Consulting Group, Madrid United States, 1995 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Alfons MARTÍNEZ MARTÍNEZ Responsable Comunicación y Relaciones Externas, Madrid United Kingdom, 1994 Humanities: art and history
Alberto MARTÍN PÉREZ Profesor de Sociología, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona France, 2002 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines