Mari Paz RODRÍGUEZ DIÉGUEZ Psicoanalista, Paris France, 2008 Social sciences: behavioural and education sciences
Irene De LORENZO-CÁCERES CANTERO Madrid France, 2008 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Martiño PRADA DÍAZ Localization Program Manager en GoPro, Cangas United States, 2008 Humanities: philology and linguistics
Luis Ignacio DíAZ DEL DEDO CEO and co-Founder of Product Hackers, Madrid Spain, 2008 Engineering and technology
Josep SOLER CARBONELL Assistant Professor in English Applied Linguistics at Stockholm University, Sant Pere de Torelló United States, 2008 Humanities: philology and linguistics
Cristina CARCEDO FERNÁNDEZ Consultant Hotels Department, Madrid Spain, 2008 Social sciences: economic and business sciences