
5804 Fellows

5804 Fellows


Secretaria General Adjunta del Departamento de Comunicaciones e Información Pública de las Naciones Unidas, New York

United States, 1983

Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines

Cap de servei de Nefrologia. Fundació Althaia, Manresa. Professor de Nefrologia, UIC., Barcelona

United States, 1992

Medical and health sciences

Marketing Manager at SAP España, Madrid

Canada, 1999

Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines

Consejero para Asuntos Culturales y Cientificos en la Embajada de España en el Perú, Lima

Germany, 2000

Social sciences: legal sciences

Chief Scientific Director, IVI RMA Global y Catedrático de Ginecología, Pozuelo de Alarcón

United States, 1996

Medical and health sciences

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