Marta GARCÍA MORCILLO Senior Lecturer in Ancient History, University of Roehampton, London, Heidelberg Germany, 1998 Humanities: art and history
Josep GINEBRA MOLINS Departament Estadistica i I.O., Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Terrassa United States, 1986 Engineering and technology
Esther GONZÁLEZ MAZARIEGOS Arqueóloga en la Junta de Castilla y León, Valladolid France, 1998 Humanities: art and history
Nayra GRAU MARRERO Dentista y propietaria de Clínica Dental Nayra Grau, Barcelona United States, 2000 Medical and health sciences
Ana GÓMEZ RUIZ Directora Adjunta en el Departamento Legal de Amadeus IT Group, Madrid United States, 1995 Social sciences: legal sciences