Kattalin OTEGUI JAUREGUI Abogada en Arruti y Antúnez Abogados, Irun Spain, 2010 Social sciences: legal sciences
Adrià NAVARRO LÓPEZ Creative Coder en Instagram, San Francisco United States, 2010 Engineering and technology
Mercedes VEGA VILLAR Predoctoral researcher at City University of New York, Oviedo United States, 2010 Life sciences
Gonzalo GONZÁLEZ JURADO Environmental Engineer at Junta de Andalucía, Villacarrillo United States, 2010 Earth and space sciences
Rocío SANZ CORTÉS Consultant at The World Bank - Public Sector & Governance, València United States, 2010 Earth and space sciences
Patricia CEBALLOS CARRASCOSA Barcelona United States, 2010 Social sciences: economic and business sciences