Oriol Solé Borràs MPH Student - Harvard University, Boston United States, 2018 Medical and health sciences
Policarpo del Canto Baquera Creative Technologist at Sosolimited, Boston United States, 2018 Engineering and technology
Garazi López de Aguileta Jaussi PhD Candidate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison United States, 2018 Humanities: philology and linguistics
Marta Gonzalvo i Ulla Estudiante de doctorado en Caltech, Puebla de Don Fadrique United States, 2018 Chemical sciences
Bárbara Alonso Cabrero Diseñadora visual y de interacción en Designit, Madrid United States, 2018 Engineering and technology
Helena Rodriguez Fernandez Ingeniera Mecanica, Santiago de Compostela United States, 2018 Engineering and technology
Ana BALLESTEROS REDONDO Asesora de comunicación, Alicante United States, 2002 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines