Isabel Micó Millán Estudiante de doctorado, Madrid United States, 2015 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
MARTÍ MONTESINOS FERRER Master student in Civil Engineering at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Barcelona Switzerland, 2016 Engineering and technology
Alana Mejía González Estudiante del MA en Film & Television en la National Film and Television School, Madrid United Kingdom, 2016 Humanities: art and history
Lidia Blanco Sánchez Estudiante doctorado en Biotecnología en el IHSM-CSIC, Málaga Spain, 2016 Life sciences
Ana Mora Boza Postdoctorate Researcher, Georgia Institute of Technology, Madrid Spain, 2016 Engineering and technology
Alberto Pérez Posada Postdoctoral researcher in Genomics and Development, Exeter Spain, 2016 Life sciences
JORGE LUENGO FRADES Estudiante de doctorado en Ingeniería de materiales la Universitat d'Alacant, Cáceres Spain, 2016 Engineering and technology
Pablo Alvargonzález Fernández Letrado del Consejo de Estado, Madrid Belgium, 2016 Social sciences: legal sciences
Ana Vila Guerrero Arquitecto en Arup Associates, Xàtiva United Kingdom, 2016 Humanities: art and history
Andrea Martínez Salgueiro Doctorado en Creación y Gestión de Empresas (UAB), Moaña Spain, 2016 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Ander Galisteo Zabalo Senior Firmware Engineer, Donostia - San Sebastian Spain, 2016 Engineering and technology