Jorge NOGUERA FERRER Berkeley United States, 1992 Social sciences: behavioural and education sciences
Manuel MONTOBBIO DE BALANZÓ Ambaixador Representant Permanent d'Espanya al Consell d'Europa (Estrasburg) Belgium, 1984 Social sciences: legal sciences
Ramón Carlos MUÑOZ RASKIN Senior Urban Transport Specialist at The World Bank, Toledo United States, 2003 Humanities: art and history
Daniel MORALES CARRERAS Tarragona United States, 2000 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Héctor PÉREZ SAIZ Economist at the International Monetary Fund, Madrid France, 2002 Social sciences: economic and business sciences
Montserrat PÉREZ SIMEON Abogado en CaixaBank, S.A., Barcelona Germany, 1997 Social sciences: legal sciences
Pau PITARCH FERNÁNDEZ Associate Professor (Waseda University, Japan), Barcelona Germany, 2000 Humanities: philology and linguistics
Anna PLA CATALÀ Founder and Director at APC_Studio___Architecture+Design, Barcelona United States, 1999 Humanities: art and history