Sònia SÁNCHEZ QUINTELA The World Bank, Tunis United States, 2000 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Joaquim SARRATE POU Lawyer. Partner. Bufete Peñarroja-Palés, Barcelona Germany, 1993 Social sciences: legal sciences
Roger SANSI ROCA Universitat de Barcelona, Sant Boi de Llobregat United States, 1995 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines
Eva SERRA DE LA FIGUERA Asociada de Myaa Mangera Yvars Architects, Barcelona United States, 1985 Humanities: art and history
Inge SCHWEIGER GALLO Profesora Titular de Universidad, Madrid Germany, 2003 Social sciences: behavioural and education sciences
Pilar SANTACRUZ SANZ Coordinadora d'assajos clinics i neuropsicologa, Barcelona United States, 1994 Social sciences: behavioural and education sciences
Susana de la SIERRA MORÓN Profesora Titular de Derecho Administrativo, UCLM, Madrid Germany, 1998 Social sciences: legal sciences
Joan SERRA SAGRISTÀ Profesor y Director Científico, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Sant Pol de Mar Germany, 1997 Engineering and technology
Marta SERRANO MEGÍAS Directora de Marketing Digital y Comunicación en Aldelís (Aves Nobles y Derivados), Barcelona France, 2001 Medical and health sciences