Enric VALLDUVÍ BOTET Professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, UPF's Secretary-General, Barcelona United States, 1984 Humanities: philology and linguistics
M. Eugenia de la TORRE MANSILLA Profesora en Deutsche Schule Barcelona, Cornellà de Llobregat Germany, 2000 Humanities: philology and linguistics
Maties TORRENT QUETGLAS Responsable de Investigación del Área de Salud de Menorca en IB-Salut, Ciutadella de Menorca United States, 1985 Medical and health sciences
Elsa TRAGANT MESTRES DE LA TORRE Profesora Titular en la Universidad de Barcelona, Manresa United States, 1986 Humanities: philology and linguistics
María Dolores TORRES CABALLERO Jefa Servicio Oftalmología, Córdoba France, 2003 Medical and health sciences
Georgina VIDAL GAVILÁN Co-Founder & Chief Product Officer, Barcelona United States, 1997 Engineering and technology
Eduard VILÀ ESPINO Director despacho abogados, Vic United Kingdom, 1989 Social sciences: legal sciences
Jaume VENTURA FONTANET Barcelona United States, 1986 Social sciences: geographical and political sciences, international relations, sociology and other social disciplines